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[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

Welcome to the Slackware Documentation Project

¡Esta es una revisión vieja del documento!

Convenciones usadas en este libro

Para proporcionar un texto coherente y fácil de leer, se siguen varias convenciones a lo largo del libro.

Convenciones tipográficas

==== Typographic Conventions ====


Se utiliza la fuente italica para los comandos, texto resaltado y el primer uso de términos técnicos. An italic font is used for commands, emphasized text, and the first usage of technical terms.

Monoespaciada Monospace

La fuente monoespaciada se usa para mensajes de error, comandos, variables de entorno, nombres de puertos, nombres de host, nombres de usuarios, nombres de grupos, nombres de dispositivos, variables y fragmentos de código.A monospaced font is used for error messages, commands, environment variables, names of ports, hostnames, user names, group names, device names, variables, and code fragments.



La fuente negrita se usa para la entrada del usuario en los ejemplos.A bold font is used for user input in examples.

User Input

Keys are shown in bold to stand out from other text. Key combinations that are meant to be typed simultaneously are shown with “+” between the keys, such as:


Meaning the user should type the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys at the same time.

Keys that are meant to be typed in sequence will be separated with commas, for example:

Ctrl+X, Ctrl+Shift

Would mean that the user is expected to type the Ctrl and X keys simultaneously and then to type the Ctrl and Shift keys simultaneously.


Examples starting with E:\> indicate a MS-DOS® command. Unless otherwise noted, these commands may be executed from a “Command Prompt” window in a modern Microsoft® Windows® environment.

D:\> rawrite a: bare.i

Examples starting with # indicate a command that must be invoked as the superuser in Slackware. You can login as root to type the command, or login as your normal account and use su(1) to gain superuser privileges.

# dd if=bare.i of=/dev/fd0

Examples starting with % indicate a command that should be invoked from a normal user account. Unless otherwise noted, C-shell syntax is used for setting environment variables and other shell commands.

% top


 es:slackbook:conventions_used_in_this_book ()