HOWTO articles - Games

A collection of articles about playing games, or hosting game servers on your Linux computer.

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Overview of Games HOWTOS

Installing a Conan Exiles Dedicated ServerInstalling a Conan Exiles Dedicated Server This article will guide you through the installation and configuration of a Conan Exiles Dedicated Server. Conan Exiles The Conan Exiles Dedicated Server is not available for Linux but, it does work under Wine. Installing the Conan Exiles server and keeping it updated, requires that you use the Steam updater (SteamCMD)., , , ,
Half-LifeHalf-Life Half-Life is a proprietary FPS game. Dedicated Server This article will guide you through the installation and configuration of a Half-Life Dedicated Server (HLDS). Half-Life was Valve Software's first game. Even though it was released in 1998, it is still very popular among on-line gamers., , ,