Table of Contents

Por traducir - Victor

Manual de interfaz de línea de comandos (CLI)

Work in Progress


Intended Audience

This guide is intended to help new Linux users understand the power of the shell, and how to use it to enhance their productivity or just have a little more fun with their Linux based installation.

Experienced users can also use this guide to learn new tricks or just serve as a reference for little used functions.

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Manual Chapters

  1. First steps (work in progress: — Andrew Daniel 2012/09/23 13:39)
  2. Shells (work in progress: — Marcin Herda 2012/09/23 15:29)
    1. Configuring your environment
      1. Configuring a shell prompt
      2. Using variables
      3. Building aliases
      4. Relevant dot files
    2. Useful parameters and variables
    3. Wildcards
    4. Shell history
  3. Getting help (man/info pages)
    1. Searching man pages
    2. Help files
    3. Web sources
  4. Locating commands
    1. which
    2. whereis
    3. apropos
  5. Basic directory navigation
  6. Working with directories (relative vs absolute pathnames, brace/tilde expansion,
  7. Working with files (file types, file management, comparing files)directory structure)
  8. Compressing and archiving files
    1. tar
    2. gz
    3. bz2
    4. xz
    5. zip
    6. rar
  9. User/Group permissions
    1. Users and groups
    2. Permissions and ownership
  10. Standard input and output / Redirection
    1. Sorting output and pipes
  11. Job control
  12. Locating content
    1. Finding files
    2. Finding text in files
  13. Text processing tools
  14. Common keybindings
  15. Searching and replacing
  16. Managing filesystems (checking/creating/mounting)
    1. Introduction to CLI filesystem tools
    2. Using mount
    3. How to read and edit fstab
  17. Monitoring available resources (disk space/ memory / processes)
    1. Monitor filesystem disk space usage with df
    2. Monitor files / directories size with du
    3. Monitor processes and system information with top / htop
    4. Monitor available memory with free.
  18. Getting information / troubleshooting network
    1. Using ifconfig
    2. Using iwconfig
    3. Using netstat
  19. Automating and scheduling tasks
    1. Introduction to cron daemons
    2. Schedule a job for later withat
  20. Writing and executing shell scripts
    1. Shell script arguments
    2. Tests and Conditional Statements
    3. Flow control (eg. running a command on a number of files)
    4. Running scripts on boot and shutdown
  21. System Maintenance and troubleshooting
    1. Gathering system information to get help
  22. Development tools
    1. Introduction to CLI development tools
    2. Using gcc
  23. Common tasks
    1. downloading files
    2. downloading torrents
    3. sending and receiving emails
    4. listening to music
    5. tagging your music
    6. Getting things done
    7. reading news
    8. Talking on irc channels
    9. burning a cd
  24. CLI glossary


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